Archive for June 25, 2013

Artist of the moment…..Gavin Turk

Gavin Turk is a fantastic contemporary artist from London who produces sculptures and photographs that remind the viewer of Andy Warhol’s style. Turk was born in 1967 in the city of
Guildford, England.

For his collegiate studies Turk attended the Chelsea School of Art. Turk went on to study at the Royal College of Art for his masters degree. He wasn’t given a diploma as his final project was not liked by the teaching staff. This brought Turk instant fame and collectors such as Charles Saatchi. This work was an empty white space with a simple blue plaque stating Gavin Turk worked here.

A link to Gavin Turk’s own website:

Founded an art charity called House of Fairy Tales. A conglomeration of painters, writers, and actors that help to promote public interest in the arts.

Price range information: Sorry, none available.

Among his most popular works are a series of bronze painted sleeping bags and rubbish bags. Turk also has worked with wax, casting himself in place of famous people. Turk also does the same with photographs, many include Turk dressed up as a Warhol character.

Did his first public work in 2011,a sculpture 12 metres high of a nail.

Here you can see how creative Turk is and how he is able to develop his mixed media works.

In this clip from the Tate, a great interview with the artist.